Monday, February 8, 2010


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Well, he struck! That damn cookie monster get's hold of my brain and takes over! I have worked so hard to develop good habits. I try to cook healthy foods for Larry and I and I'm usually quite successful. But that damn cookie monster! I was shopping in Wal Mart today, picking up some splenda..blah blah blah and did well till I got to the check out line....Right there, tempting me were those individual cookie packs! I looked at all the choices, drooled..and picked up a pack of 6 oreo's. I had them eaten before I got home. Of course, it's a long drive to get home....all of 5 miles!!!!!!! We didn't get that "dump" feature so it's pure will power on my part NOT to consume sugary treats. I'm not tempted by ice cream, cakes, pies, candy...just cookies....

I'm running again tonight. It's suppoesed to be my "off" night from running, but I ate those cookies...alas...I'm going to run those calories off!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to try to run 2 miles this evening...We'll see....

Dinner tonight...stuff I dreamed up in my head instead of a real recipe but here goes:
Grilled shrimp
Chilled italian green bean salad...added some chopped garlic, thyme, parsley, chopped onion and some dreamy raspberry balsamic vinegar..oh, and grated a bit of parmasean's chillin in the fridge now!

Another successful try....I poured a bit of olive oil into my saute pan and fried some of that mexican cheese and OMG...tastes so buttery good and crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside...reminds me of an old-fashioned grilled cheese sandwich!

I will defeat the cookie monster! Tomorrow is another day...I'll have a successful day tomorrow!!! The cookies were yummy, but...NOTHING tastes as good as skinny feels!

Hugs till tomorrow!

my first blog...

February 8, 2009

I don't know if anyone will ever see this besides my husband so I'm just going to post what I like to say. Here goes......

I am weight loss surgery obsessed! I live it, sleep it, breath it...and EAT it! I told myself before my surgery that I would not spend the rest of my life living the process. I intended on living the life I had always dreamed of, but here I am...obsessed with wls! I wake up every single morning amazed at how my life has changed. I wonder if there will come a day that I'll just be living my life without being amazed about the life I have.

I'm definitely not a nutrition or fitness freak, but I find myself obessing about some aspects of nutrition and fitness. I made a New Year's resolution to run a 5K this year, so I'll just be damned if I don't. I'm running with the C25K training program and I''m at week 6 now. I know I'll succeed at this project of mine. Now, mind you, if I don't start liking running by the time I run this 5K in March, I'm gonna move on to a different form of being, say, maybe dancing. I LOVE dancing. I find it like an out of body experience. When I'm on the dance floor, I'm in pure's almost like a "high"..."euphoria".

As far as nutrition goes, well, I have loved to cook and eat my entire life. In the family I grew up in, if a woman wasn't a good cook she wasn't a good woman. I CAN COOK! I'm learning how to cook "wls friendly" these days. I have plenty of recipes to share with anyone interested. I get most of my ideas from Eggface...gawwwd I love Shelly.

I don't want anyone that reads the rantings of mine to get the idea that I'm an expert on anything. What I do intend to do here is to show you the foods/recipes I enjoy or think you'll enjoy. I also intend to discover new active ideas, not all known as traditional exercise...we'll see how this thing goes...okie dokie...